How to Train Old English Sheepdog in US Tips

The Old English Sheepdog, a large dog breed, was originally bred in England for the purpose of herding sheep. Renowned for their shaggy coat and amiable nature, they have become a popular choice among families. Train Old English Sheepdog in US can prove to be quite challenging, particularly if they are older and set in their ways.

Training Method Description
Dog Whispering The philosophy of training dogs by understanding and effectively communicating based on their individual terms. Focuses on establishing trust and cooperation.
Science-Based Dog Training Modern approach prioritizing positive reinforcement and operant conditioning. Rewards desired behaviors instead of punishing undesirable ones.
Traditional Dog Training Methods Positive Reinforcement:

  • Clicker Training
  • Lure Training
  • Shaping

Dominance-Based Training:

  • Belief in establishing alpha leadership using punitive measures, considered outdated and potentially harmful to dogs.

This article aims to offer guidance on training an Old English Sheepdog in the United States, encompassing advice on obedience training, socialization, and exercise. By adhering to these recommendations, you can assist your beloved canine companion in becoming a well-mannered and contented member of your household.

How to Train Old English Sheepdog?

Old English Sheepdogs possess high intelligence and a strong desire to please, which contributes to their trainability. Nevertheless, it is crucial to commence training at an early stage and maintain consistency in issuing commands. Below are a few recommendations on how to effectively train an Old English Sheepdog:

How to Train Old English Sheepdog in US Tips

1.Start Early

Commencing the training of an Old English Sheepdog is most effective during their puppyhood. Puppies exhibit a strong willingness to acquire knowledge and are more open to training compared to mature dogs. Begin by teaching them fundamental obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” Once your puppy has successfully grasped these commands, you can progress to teaching them more intricate tricks.

2.Be Consistent

Maintaining consistency is crucial when it comes to training dogs, and this holds true for Old English Sheepdogs in particular. These intelligent canines can become perplexed if they receive conflicting commands for the same action. To illustrate, if you alternate between using the word “sit” and “down,” your dog will struggle to determine which instruction to obey.

3.Use Positive Reinforcement

The most efficient method of training an Old English Sheepdog is through positive reinforcement. This involves giving your dog treats, praise, or affection when they display the desired behavior. Positive reinforcement will enable your dog to link good behavior with favorable consequences, increasing the likelihood of them repeating the behavior in the future.

4. Keep Training Sessions Short and Sweet

To prevent Old English Sheepdogs from getting bored, it is crucial to ensure that training sessions are brief and enjoyable. It is recommended to aim for 10-15 minutes of training per session, which can be conducted multiple times throughout the day.

5.Interactive Toys

To keep your dog mentally engaged, consider offering interactive toys. Puzzle toys and games are effective in preventing boredom and reducing destructive behavior.

6.Leadership Role:

Develop a strong presence as the leader of the pack. Old English Sheepdogs exhibit positive reactions when their owner exudes confidence and assertiveness, resulting in a harmonious bond between them.

7.Socialize Your Dog

Proper socialization is crucial for all dogs, with particular emphasis on Old English Sheepdogs. Due to their natural wariness towards unfamiliar individuals, it is essential to introduce them to a diverse range of individuals, locations, and animals from an early stage. This process will greatly contribute to their development into self-assured and adaptable canines.

8.Be Patient

It requires a considerable amount of time and patience to train an Old English Sheepdog. It’s important not to lose hope if your dog doesn’t grasp a command immediately. Consistent practice and patience will eventually lead to success in training your dog.

9.Health Checkups

Regular veterinary checkups are essential to promptly address any health concerns. A dog that is in good health is more likely to respond well to training.

10.Regular Exercise

It is essential to provide regular exercise for these energetic dogs. To ensure their physical and mental well-being, it is recommended to include daily walks, play sessions, and mentally stimulating activities in their routine.

Train Old English Sheepdog in US Tips

Below are a few extra suggestions to consider when training an Old English Sheepdog:

  1. Employ a firm yet gentle tone when issuing commands.
  2. Maintain a consistent approach with your hand gestures.
  3.  Limit the use of treats to prevent your dog from developing a dependency on them.
  4. Conclude training sessions on a positive and encouraging tone.
  5. By exercising patience and maintaining consistency, you can successfully train your Old English Sheepdog to be a well-mannered and obedient companion.

What are Some Common Training Challenges with Old English Sheepdogs

Training an Old English Sheepdog can pose various challenges due to their independent nature and high intelligence. One of the common difficulties encountered when training these dogs is the necessity for respect training rather than simple obedience training.

This is because they may only comply with commands if there is a treat involved, which can lead to them assuming control over their own obedience instead of their owner. Moreover, their independent nature emphasizes the importance of consistency in training, and it is advisable to utilize positive reinforcement to build a trusting relationship and promote desirable behavior.

Additionally, the breed’s exceptional intelligence and energy levels necessitate extensive socialization and firm obedience training. Neglecting their physical and mental needs can result in behavioral problems such as excessive chewing and barking. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a consistent routine, provide ample exercise, and exhibit patience and consistency when training an Old English Sheepdog.

Dog whispering Training Method

The concept of dog whispering revolves around the philosophy of training dogs by comprehending and effectively communicating with them based on their individual terms. Advocates of dog whispering firmly believe that dogs are pack animals with distinct social structures and modes of communication.

By grasping these structures and communication methods, dog whisperers can establish trust and cooperation with dogs, ultimately achieving desired behaviors without resorting to force or punishment.

Numerous techniques exist for dog whispering, with some of the most prevalent ones being:

1.Pack Leadership

Canine whisperers firmly believe that dogs require a sense of security and assurance from a dominant, composed, and self-assured leader within their pack. These experts strive to establish themselves as this leader by effectively utilizing their body language, energy, and vocal cues to effectively communicate with the dog in a manner that is both unambiguous and assertive.

2.Energy Matching

Dog whisperers hold the belief that dogs possess a heightened sensitivity towards energy, and as a result, they respond to the energy emitted by their owners. These professionals strive to align their own energy with that of the dog, aiming to establish a strong bond and foster trust.

3.Redirecting Behavior

Dog whisperers advocate for the redirection of unwanted behaviors rather than resorting to punishment, as they believe it to be a more effective approach. Their methodology involves identifying the triggers that lead to these behaviors and channeling the dog’s energy towards more desirable actions.

4.Positive reinforcement:

Dog whisperers advocate for the use of positive reinforcement as the optimal method for training dogs. By rewarding dogs for desired behaviors, they aim to reinforce these behaviors and increase the likelihood of their recurrence in the future.

The practice of dog whispering encompasses a comprehensive approach to dog training, considering the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the dog. It is rooted in the belief that dogs possess intelligence and sociability, and through respectful and empathetic treatment, they can be taught to exhibit good behavior.

How to Train Old English Sheepdog in US Tips

Science-Based Dog Training Method

  1. The modern approach to dog training, known as science-based dog training, prioritizes positive reinforcement and operant conditioning. This approach is based on the belief that dogs learn best when rewarded for desired behaviors, rather than being punished for undesirable ones.
  2. Positive reinforcement involves adding something desirable to a dog’s environment to encourage desired behaviors. For instance, giving a treat or praise when a dog sits reinforces the behavior and encourages the dog to repeat it.
  3. Operant conditioning is a type of learning that uses the consequences of an action to determine whether it will be repeated in the future. In dog training, this method is used to teach new behaviors and reinforce existing ones.
  4. Compared to traditional training methods that rely on punishment, science-based dog training has been proven to be more effective. Punishment can cause harm to dogs and lead to fear, anxiety, and aggression. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, is a humane and effective way to train dogs that fosters trust and cooperation between the dog and its owner.

Traditional Dog Training Methods for your Old English Sheepdog

There are two main categories of traditional dog training methods for Old English Sheepdogs (OES):

positive reinforcement and dominance-based training. Positive reinforcement training involves rewarding desired behaviors to promote their repetition, and is generally viewed as a more humane and effective approach than dominance-based training. Some common positive reinforcement techniques used for OES include:

Clicker Training

Utilizing a clicker to pinpoint the precise instance when a dog exhibits a desired behavior, and promptly rewarding it, constitutes this approach. The clicker serves as a connection between the behavior and the reward, aiding the dog in comprehending the reason for its reward.

Lure Training

The method entails enticing the dog into the desired position or behavior by using a treat or toy. Upon successfully executing the behavior, the dog is rewarded with the treat or toy.


The process entails dissecting a complicated behavior into smaller, more feasible actions. The canine is given a reward for each action until they can successfully execute the entire behavior.

Dominance-Based Training

Dominance-based training operates under the belief that dogs have an inherent pack mentality, requiring humans to establish themselves as the alpha leader to effectively manage the dog’s conduct. This method frequently employs punitive measures, such as leash corrections, choke collars, or physical force, to assert dominance over the dog.

The effectiveness of dominance-based training has been called into question and is now considered outdated. Research has revealed that punishment can result in negative outcomes such as fear, anxiety, and aggression in dogs, as well as harm the relationship between the dog and its owner.

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