Is it Safe to Storage Dog Food in Plastic Containers

Ensuring the safety and well-being of our canine companions involves more than just choosing the right dog food. It also requires careful consideration of how the food is stored. Many pet owners often wonder if it is safe to store dog food in plastic containers.

Container Material Safety Considerations Recommended Practices
Plastic (Food-grade)
  • Look for recycling symbols 2 or 5
  • Ensure BPA-free
  • Check for cracks or damage
  • Opt for BPA-free containers
  • Inspect for cracks or damage
  • Clean containers regularly with soapy water
  • Keep food in its original bag within the container
  • Consider glass or stainless steel containers as alternatives
  • Non-porous, no chemical leaching
  • Ideal for preventing chemical leaching
  • Non-porous, no chemical leaching
  • Offers a secure alternative to plastic
Stainless Steel
  • Non-porous, no chemical leaching
  • Durable option for storing dog food

With containers available in different materials, each with its own advantages and potential drawbacks, this decision becomes crucial for preserving the nutritional value of the food and, most importantly, protecting the health of our furry friends. This investigation examines the factors surrounding the use of plastic containers for storing dog food, exploring the potential risks and benefits to assist pet owners in making well-informed decisions for the optimal care of their beloved four-legged family members.

Dog Food in Plastic Containers Safe

The safety of dog food in plastic containers depends on the specific type of plastic utilized. Certain plastics, such as those containing bisphenol-A (BPA), have the potential to release harmful chemicals into the food, posing a risk to dogs. On the other hand, plastics labeled as BPA-free or food-grade are considered safe for storing dog food.

To ensure the selection of safe plastic containers for dog food, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Look for the recycling symbol with the numbers 2 or 5. These plastics are generally regarded as safe for food storage.
  2. Opt for containers that are BPA-free. BPA is a chemical that can seep into food from certain types of plastic and has been associated with health issues in both humans and animals.
  3. Inspect the containers for any cracks or damage. Damaged plastic containers can harbor bacteria and should not be used for storing food.
  4. Clean the containers regularly. Wash plastic containers with warm soapy water and ensure they are thoroughly dried before refilling them with food.
  5. By following these guidelines, you can make informed choices when selecting plastic containers for your dog’s food storage.

Glass jars are an excellent choice for the storage of dog food due to their non-porous nature, ensuring that no chemicals will seep into the food.

Ceramic containers, on the other hand, provide another secure alternative for storing dog food. Like glass jars, they are non-porous and will not contaminate the food with any harmful chemicals.

If you’re looking for a durable option, stainless steel containers are a great choice for storing dog food. They, too, are non-porous and will not release any chemicals into the food.

Is it Safe to Storage Dog Food in Plastic containers?

Storing dog food in plastic containers is considered safe as long as the containers are made of food-grade plastic and are free from BPA or any other harmful plastic contaminants. To ensure optimal storage, it is recommended to keep the food in its original bag within the container. Prior to refilling, it is crucial to thoroughly wash the container with warm soapy water and allow it to completely dry.

Opting for glass containers is a better choice as they do not release toxic chemicals when in contact with pet food. Additionally, it is essential to check the expiration date on the dog food bag to guarantee its safety and freshness. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid storing dog food in warm or damp areas, as well as direct sunlight.

Is it Safe to Storage Dog Food in Plastic Containers

Best Dog Food in Plastic Containers

The most ideal containers for storing dog food are typically crafted from food-grade plastic, glass, or stainless steel. One popular choice is the IRIS Airtight Pet Food Storage Container, which is favored for its practicality, portability, and ability to create an airtight seal. When opting for a plastic container, it is crucial to ensure that it is food-grade and devoid of BPA or any other harmful plastic substances that could pose a risk to dogs.

Moreover, it is advisable to select a container that can accommodate a 30-day supply of food to prevent spoilage and maintain the food’s freshness. Always remember to wash the container thoroughly with soap and water, allowing it to completely dry before adding more pet food or sealing it shut. While plastic containers are considered safe, glass or stainless steel containers are also excellent alternatives as they do not release undesirable chemicals when in contact with pet food.

Can you Put Dog Food in Plastic Containers

It is important to ensure the safety of dog food by storing it in appropriate containers. To guarantee this, it is necessary to use plastic containers that are made with food-grade plastic and are free from BPA or any other harmful plastic contaminants. The ideal dog food storage containers should have an airtight seal to maintain the freshness of the food, prevent odors from escaping, and keep pests out.

Before adding more pet food or sealing the container, it is recommended to wash it thoroughly with soap and water and allow it to completely dry. For optimal storage, it is advised to keep the food in its original bag within the container. Alternatively, glass or stainless steel containers are also suitable options as they do not release any unwanted chemicals when in contact with pet food.

The Hidden Dangers of Storing Dog Food in Plastic Bins

Storing dog food in plastic containers may appear to be a convenient and cost-effective solution, but it can actually pose numerous hidden dangers to your beloved pet’s well-being. Here’s why:

1. Chemical Leaching:

Certain plastic containers, particularly those made from polycarbonate plastics, contain Bisphenol-A (BPA), a harmful chemical that can seep into the food. BPA imitates estrogen in the body and has been associated with various health issues, such as cancer, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders, in both humans and animals.

2. Increased Risk of Bacterial Contamination:

Plastic containers have the tendency to trap moisture, creating a warm and humid environment that is ideal for the growth of bacteria and mold. This can contaminate your dog’s food and lead to digestive problems like vomiting, diarrhea, and food poisoning.

3. Storage Mites:

Plastic containers provide an ideal hiding spot for storage mites, minuscule insects that thrive on the oils and fats present in dog food. These mites can irritate your dog’s skin and trigger allergic reactions.

4. Loss of Nutritional Value:

Exposure to light and air can cause the nutrients in dog food to break down, diminishing its overall nutritional value. Plastic containers offer minimal protection against these elements, potentially resulting in deficiencies in your dog’s diet.

5. Difficulty in Cleaning:

Plastic containers with cracks or crevices can be challenging to clean thoroughly, allowing bacteria, mold, and food residue to accumulate. This further heightens the risk of contamination and has a negative impact on your dog’s health.

How to Safe to Storage Dog Food in Plastic Containers

While plastic containers may not be the most ideal choice for storing dog food due to the potential risks of chemical leaching and bacterial contamination, there are steps you can take to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of your dog’s food:

1. Select the appropriate plastic:

  • Choose containers that are labeled as BPA-free and made from food-grade plastic, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene (PP).
  • These types of plastics are considered safer for storing food.
  • Avoid containers with the recycling symbol number 7, as they may contain harmful chemicals.
  • Opt for clear plastic containers so that you can easily check for any signs of mold or infestation.

2. Thoroughly clean and sanitize the container before use:

  • Wash the container with warm soapy water and rinse it thoroughly.
  • Sanitize the container by using a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water.
  • Ensure that the container is completely dry before adding the dog food.

3. Transfer the entire bag of dog food into the container:

  • This helps to prevent the food from coming into direct contact with the plastic, reducing the risk of chemical leaching.
  • Seal the container tightly to prevent air, moisture, and pests from entering.

4. Store the container in a cool and dry place:

  • Avoid storing the container in direct sunlight or heat, as this can accelerate the breakdown of nutrients.
  • An ideal location would be a cool and dark pantry or cupboard.

5. Regularly monitor the food for any signs of spoilage:

  • Regularly check the food for any signs of mold, discoloration, or an unusual odor.
  • If you notice any spoilage, discard the food immediately.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly wash the container, especially after each refill.
  • Do not reuse the container for any other purposes, particularly for chemicals or solvents.
  • Consider using a desiccant packet in the container to absorb moisture.
  • Replace the container every few years, as plastic can degrade over time.


Even with these precautions, it is still safer to store dog food in stainless steel, glass, or ceramic containers. These materials offer better protection against chemical leaching and contamination.

Dog Food in Plastic Containers

Dog Food Container 50 IBS

The GAMMA2 Vittles Vault Pet Food Storage container is a well-liked option for storing up to 50 lbs of dry dog food. It has a clever twist-on lid design and is made of strong plastic. With its airtight seal, it effectively preserves freshness and prevents moisture, humidity, and pests from entering. Additionally, it comes with a convenient scoop and can maintain the freshness of the food, even down to the tiniest crumbs.

There are also other choices available for storing 50 lb dog food:

  1. IRIS USA Airtight Pet Food Storage Container, 65 qt
  2. Mighty Tuff 13 Gallon/up to 54 Pound Pet Food Storage Container with an airtight lid and built-in handles

These containers are specifically designed to securely store large quantities of dry pet food while ensuring its freshness and protection against pests. When searching for a 50 lb dog food storage solution, it is important to consider the airtight seals and durable plastic construction as essential features.

FAQs About Dog Food in Plastic Containers

Is it bad to put dog food in a plastic container?

Dog food storage containers made of glass, ceramic, or plastic are widely preferred due to their affordability and durability. However, it is crucial to ensure that plastic containers used for storing dog food do not contain BPA or any other harmful plastic substances, as they can pose a risk to the health of dogs.

How do you keep dog food fresh in a plastic container?

If you opt for storing the food in a container, it is essential to wash and dry the container before adding the food, and it is recommended to do so at least once a month. When replenishing the food container, make sure to place the new food at the bottom and the old food on top.

How long does dry dog food last in a plastic container?

If properly stored, unopened bags of dried dog food can typically remain fresh for up to 18 months from the date of manufacture. However, once the bag is opened, it is recommended to use the dried dog food within 6 weeks to ensure its freshness. By storing your dog food correctly, you can maximize its shelf life and maintain its freshness for as long as possible.

Can I store food in pet plastic?

Although numerous plastics are solely FDA compliant and considered safe for food consumption in their original form, recycled PET is an FDA approved plastic suitable for direct contact with food. Additionally, it possesses the ability to repel microorganisms and does not undergo corrosion, rendering it an excellent choice for food and beverage storage and contact.

Is it good to put dog food in a plastic container?

Dog food storage containers made of glass, ceramic, or plastic are commonly used due to their affordability and durability. However, it is crucial to ensure that plastic containers do not contain BPA or any other harmful plastic substances, as they can pose a risk to dogs.

Is plastic OK for dog water bowl?

We strongly recommend refraining from using plastic pet bowls, even for water. Plastic bowls have the potential to trigger allergic reactions in pets and can harbor bacteria. Despite regular washing, the scratches, nicks, and micro-gouges in plastic bowls can provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

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