Dog With Vestibular Disease

Caring for a dog with vestibular disease can present various challenges due to the symptoms it exhibits, such as disorientation, loss of balance, and nausea. During this vulnerable period, it is crucial to provide proper nutrition to support the canine companion. To determine the appropriate diet for a dog with vestibular disease, it is important to consider the underlying causes of the condition, whether it be related to the inner ear, infection, or age-related changes.

Causes of Vestibular Disease Symptoms
Idiopathic Vestibular Syndrome Tilted head, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rapid eye movements, difficulty walking or standing
Middle Ear Infection Ear pain, discharge from the ear, fever
Inner Ear Infection Deafness, facial paralysis, seizures
Tumors Tilted head, nystagmus, difficulty walking, seizures
Trauma Symptoms similar to other causes, bleeding from ears or nose
Hypothyroidism Weight gain, lethargy, hair loss
Drug Toxicity Weakness, tremors, seizures
Stroke Facial paralysis, challenges with walking, seizures

By tailoring the dog’s diet, symptoms can be alleviated, and overall well-being can be promoted. Therefore, it becomes essential to offer easily digestible and nutrient-dense meals to provide comfort and support to the furry friend as they navigate the complexities of vestibular disease.

What is Vestibular Disease in Dogs?

Vestibular disease in canines pertains to a condition that impacts the vestibular system, which is accountable for maintaining equilibrium and spatial orientation. The vestibular system encompasses components of the inner ear and the brain that process sensory information linked to balance and coordination.

There exist two primary types of vestibular disease in dogs: peripheral vestibular disease and central vestibular disease.

Peripheral Vestibular Disease:

  • This variant is more prevalent and is frequently caused by complications in the inner ear, such as inflammation, infection, or the presence of tumors.
  • Indications may encompass sudden and severe imbalance, head tilt, circling, nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), and difficulty or incapability to stand or walk.
  • Peripheral vestibular disease can occasionally be triggered by ear infections, foreign objects in the ear, or specific medications.

Central Vestibular Disease:

  • This variant is less common and is linked to issues in the brain, such as tumors, inflammation, or other neurological problems.
  • Symptoms resemble those of peripheral vestibular disease but may progress at a more gradual pace.

Senior Dog with Vestibular Disease Causes

Vestibular disease in senior canines can stem from various factors, such as infections in the middle or inner ear, trauma, tumors, and hypothyroidism. In older dogs, it is commonly attributed to canine idiopathic vestibular syndrome, also referred to as old dog vestibular disease, which lacks a known cause.

The typical indications of vestibular disease in elderly dogs encompass a loss of balance, a tilt of the head, flickering eye movements, nausea, difficulty in walking, and disorientation. Initially, the symptoms are usually severe, but they tend to ameliorate within a few weeks without specific treatment.

Treatment primarily focuses on addressing the underlying cause, and supportive therapy, including intravenous fluids, sedatives, and anti-nausea medications, may be administered. The majority of dogs recover within a span of two to three weeks, and diligent care is crucial for their recuperation.

What to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease Causes

A Dog With Vestibular Disease Causes

A dog suffering from vestibular disease can exhibit a range of symptoms due to the disruption of their inner ear system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and coordination. Below are some of the most common factors that can lead to vestibular disease in dogs:

1. Idiopathic Vestibular Syndrome:

This is the primary cause of vestibular disease in dogs, particularly in older dogs. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to inflammation or degeneration of the inner ear. Symptoms typically appear suddenly and may include a tilted head, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rapid eye movements (nystagmus), and difficulty walking or standing.

2. Middle Ear Infection:

An infection in the middle ear can result in inflammation and irritation of the inner ear, leading to vestibular disease. Symptoms may resemble those of idiopathic vestibular syndrome, but can also involve ear pain, discharge from the ear, and fever.

3. Inner Ear Infection:

While less common than middle ear infections, inner ear infections can also cause vestibular disease. Symptoms may be more severe compared to middle ear infections and can include deafness, facial paralysis, and seizures.

4. Tumors:

Tumors located in the brain or inner ear can contribute to vestibular disease. Symptoms may vary depending on the size and location of the tumor, but can involve a tilted head, nystagmus, difficulty walking, and seizures.

5. Trauma:

Head trauma can result in damage to the inner ear, leading to vestibular disease. Symptoms may resemble those caused by other factors, but can also include bleeding from the ears or nose.

6. Hypothyroidism:

Vestibular disease can also be caused by hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Symptoms may resemble those caused by other factors, but can also involve weight gain, lethargy, and hair loss.

7. Drug Toxicity:

Certain medications, like antibiotics and specific pain relievers, have the potential to be harmful to the inner ear and result in vestibular disease.
The symptoms associated with this condition may resemble those caused by other factors, but they can also encompass weakness, tremors, and seizures.

8. Stroke:

The occurrence of a stroke can impact the region of the brain responsible for maintaining balance, consequently leading to vestibular disease.
The symptoms of this condition may manifest abruptly and can be quite severe, encompassing facial paralysis, challenges with walking, and seizures.

What to Feed a Dog with Vestibular Disease?

Feeding a dog with vestibular disease can pose challenges due to symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and disorientation, which can hinder their ability to eat and drink. Here are some suggestions to assist you:

Key principles:

  1. Prioritize hydration: It is essential to ensure that your dog remains hydrated. Offer fresh water frequently, use elevated bowls to facilitate drinking, and consider hand-feeding water using a syringe or turkey baster if necessary.
  2. Provide small, frequent meals: Instead of regular mealtimes, divide their food into smaller, more manageable portions throughout the day. This can help prevent nausea and encourage their appetite.
  3. Select easily consumable food: Opt for food with a soft, moist texture that is easier to swallow, such as canned food, kibble soaked in broth, or mashed cooked chicken or rice. Hand-feeding can also simplify the process.
  4. Stimulate their appetite: Dogs with disorientation may be enticed by strong smells. Enhance their food by adding warm broth, gravy, or tuna juice. Additionally, offering small, high-value treats can serve as positive reinforcement for eating.
  5. Elevate food and water bowls: This can assist your dog in seeing and accessing their food and water more easily, particularly if they experience head tilt or balance issues.
  6. Create a calm environment: Minimize distractions and loud noises during mealtimes to reduce anxiety and enhance their comfort while eating.
  7. Consult your veterinarian: They can provide specific dietary recommendations based on your dog’s unique requirements and any underlying causes of the vestibular disease. If necessary, they may also prescribe medications to manage nausea or appetite stimulants.

Dog With Vestibular Disease

Things to Avoid for Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease

  1. Avoid feeding your dog large, dry kibble as it can pose difficulties for a disoriented dog to chew and swallow.
  2. Stay away from spicy or greasy food as they have the potential to irritate the stomach and worsen nausea.
  3. It’s best to avoid milk and dairy products as some dogs are lactose intolerant, and these can upset their stomach.

Remember, when it comes to feeding a dog with vestibular disease, patience and persistence are crucial. Avoid forcing them to eat and instead take small steps to ensure their comfort and hydration. Your veterinarian can provide valuable guidance throughout this process and help ensure your dog receives the necessary nutrition for recovery.

Vestibular Disease in Dogs Home Treatment

Dogs suffering from vestibular disease experience a disruption in their vestibular system, which is accountable for their equilibrium and spatial perception. The signs of this condition are sudden and severe, encompassing feelings of dizziness, queasiness, vomiting, tilting of the head, and an inability to maintain balance.

Multiple factors can contribute to the development of vestibular disease in dogs, including infections in the inner or middle ear, ear damage, tumors, inflammation in the central nervous system, cancer, stroke, seizures, hypothyroidism, trauma, congenital abnormalities, and secretory otitis media.

Medical Treatment

The management of vestibular disease in canines varies depending on the root cause. For instance, if an ear infection is the culprit, treating the infection can help alleviate symptoms. In more severe instances, dogs may require IV fluids, sedatives, and anti-nausea medications to address symptoms like anxiety and panic.


Commonly prescribed medications to address symptoms such as allergic reactions, anxiety, and nausea include Benadryl, an antihistamine, and meclizine, another antihistamine and antiemetic. These medications can also aid in reducing the severity of head tilts and calming the dog.

At-Home Care

Home care plays a vital role in a dog’s recuperation from vestibular disease. This involves ensuring the dog is eating and drinking, creating a safe environment by removing sharp objects and providing a non-slip surface, and hand-feeding if the dog loses its appetite. Moreover, using a rug can help prevent slipping, while a sling or harness can assist with standing and walking.

Physical Therapy

Veterinarians may recommend physical therapy to aid in the dog’s recovery. This may include exercises aimed at enhancing balance and coordination, such as utilizing a lightly-weighted jacket or vest for added stability during walking.

Recovery and Prognosis

The majority of dogs with vestibular disease typically recover within two to three weeks, depending on the severity of the condition. Improvement in head tilt may take longer. If symptoms persist, it is crucial to seek advice from a veterinarian to rule out other potential conditions.

Can Vestibular Dkill a Dog?

Vestibular disease in canines is seldom fatal, particularly when the dog has received veterinary care. Despite the potential severity of symptoms, this condition is rarely life-threatening. The majority of dogs have a reasonably positive outlook, and the ailment frequently resolves spontaneously without any medical intervention.

Do Dogs with Vestibular Disease Sleep a Lot?

Dogs suffering from vestibular disease may experience increased sleep patterns as a result of disorientation and fatigue. Nevertheless, the duration of sleep may differ among different individuals. It is crucial to create a serene and cozy setting to facilitate their rest and aid in their recuperation.

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